Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Jasmine Revolution 香港雜評: 沈旭暉:卡扎菲獨裁的背後--部落矛盾與東西分裂

香港雜評: 沈旭暉:卡扎菲獨裁的背後--部落矛盾與東西分裂: "【咫尺地球】在一般人印象中,利比亞領袖卡扎菲是獨裁者中的獨裁者,加上一度沉迷「輸出革命」,令他得到「利比亞狂人」的稱號。其實卡扎菲獨裁的背後,隱藏着利比亞分裂的危機。他在位40多年間,國內曾發生多次騷亂,他兒子對「利比亞可能爆發內戰」的警告,並非空穴來風。 「爆發內戰」警告非空..."

I felt so guilty that when part of the third world is revolutionary I am still sitting comfortably in my chair and blogging about fashion and traveling. I am beware of what's happening out there, yet it seems that there's nothing much to do other than watching. All the best to the revolution, either in Egypt, Tunisia, and China.

We Taiwanese have been there, done that and there's still lots to be done before the dawn.

There's no such thing as a successful revolution, but it doesn't end up in nothing.

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