My family had our photo taken last November. That was nothing traditional, in terms of the Chang would usually do. My mom was rather reluctant when my sister Tiffany came up with the idea. But it all went well in the end.
2012 was a tough year for nearly all of us. The extended family had troubles relating to properties and a long time harmony among the relatives now looks hypocrite. Things became tricker now. I was not sure about how this lunar New Year would be like. Things are simply not the same any more.
My brother's work has ups and downs. My application was going very well. No specific idea for my proposal so far. My parents' business, thanks to the aftermath of 08's financial crisis, reclined in a way that they could have imagined. Tiff's happy in her new relationship with this Japanese guy she met in Canada, they're now in Australia doing the working holiday things yet she cannot deny the uncertainty for them is so high that neither of them could be sure for nothing.
No one is sure what would come next. But we survive anyway. This photo somehow reminds us that we still have each other. Till the end of the world.
我們家也在2012終於有了久違的一張全家福照, 可是卻是在台中鼎泰豐的廚房前, 請路人用我2007年Nikon S1照下, 沒有防手晃, 因此除了可以辨識四人之外, 實在不算清楚... oh well...希望下次可以照全家福的機會不會等太久....
你家真的應該找機會去拍照,特別是你們兩個長期不在你爸媽身邊,如果有一張全家福對你爸媽來說真的是最好的禮物。我媽現在還是經常把那一整本的全家福拿出來show off,我覺得非常值得!
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